Monday, July 25, 2011

Stray Socks, Old Soul & New Energy. Feels almost like a dream.

So last week was a strange one...I haven't been able to put my finger on it, but something clearly wasn't right in the world. And the happenings in Norway put a very strong punctuation on the dark feelings swirling around us when I woke up on Saturday morning. It's hard to comprehend how horrific these events were, nor do I enjoy trying. Not to mention, Ms. Winehouse's untimely death and the fact that we had an unexpected house guest for 48 hours which ended with a one-way trip to the animal shelter for our little friend "Stray Socks". A very good deed, but a heart wrenching ending. But through all of this, something amazing happened as well! Our favorite restaurant, AXE, reopened, and we rode our bikes to dinner with our best friends for the first serving on Friday night! The best part is that Joanna didn't change a thing and that's just how we like it - same environment, same friends and same incredible food (with a couple great additions). It was quite a moment when Joanna emerged from the kitchen to a room full of admiring friends and foodies exuberant with hand clapping, hugs and kisses - I became quite proud of our neighborhood and nostalgic for all the reasons we love coming here. With our daughter, AXE has truly been our Sunday morning ritual..she has grown up here. And although I think Costa might have made an appearance just before the unfortunate fire that closed it down, we can now return with the entire family for all of our Sunday's to come! Thanks so much Joanna and Welcome back. Some much needed old soul has returned to the new neighborhood, and the timing couldn't be better!!!

And to our little friend, "Stray Socks", the pipes, the pipes are calling.
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying. It's you, it's you must go and we must bide.

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