Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays!

It's been 75 degrees for three days and it's a week before Christmas...there's snow on the mountains and you can see it from the water...the offshore winds have been blowing ever so lightly and the channel islands look like you can paddle to them...and to top it all off, we've had surf for days right in our backyard!!! Our little slice of California is feeling pretty groovy this time of year. So thanks to tradition, I would say this is a perfect time for a nice long holiday! Anyway, attached is a little digital reminder that we're thankful to be here, hopeful to see more of you in the new year, and looking forward to a great 2010!!!

T-Bar Oz...

Check out this cool retail concept that Lachlan is working on down in Melbourne. I did a spin through the site and found some cool art...super affordable too. Not sure when it's coming stateside?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

$4800 for Charity on the Opening Night! Thanks Everyone...

Dear Friends, Friday night was an amazing!!!! I was talking to Andrew Neuhues today and he pointed out that we even got the east-siders to come over to the west side. That's not easy to do! Let's hope that's an indication of great things to come! We should do this more often...

Anyway, we want to thank all of you who came out to Shameless, Nameless & Recycled at POPgallery! We had a packed house and even better - you helped us raise money that all goes straight to The Children's Institute and The Downtown Women's Center! So far, a total of 44 artworks have sold and we raised $4,800 in one night! (And we polished ten cases of beer and six cases of wine!) Great Job all around people - cheers to that!!! The show is up until January 30th and there are still some amazing pieces left (and a few Stella's in the fridge) so come and see us again...

Thanks again, we couldn't have done it without your amazing support - the artists and the buyers alike!!!!

To see opening night pictures go here:
...and be sure to check back in the next few days for another round of opening images posted!

To stay connected to POPgallery events please sign our online mailing list for all the upcoming POP events:

Also, if you purchased a work of art please stay in touch with us to set up a time to pick-up. The show closes January 30th. And catalogs will be available in the near future with details to come.

Thanks again and have a merry holiday!

From the POP crew - Ann, Kateigh, Yusuke, Mike, Stacey, Hannah, Helen & Juan Mas

Hulltastic Voyage

Mark sent me a link to this blog today called hulltastic voyage and now I am sending it to

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sidewalk Surfers

Damion Fuller has rewritten the book on the swap meet. I would trade the Rose Bowl for Damo's surf & skate swap meet any second Sunday of the year...actually, I would trade it any day. Hopefully, this first annual becomes something more regular and we can import it to LA or maybe it's better off in Sydney! It's been too long since I've been down there anyway, and I can't think of a better reason to go. Oh yeah, it's summer there too!!! Here's the links for all the images...

Ashley Thayer

Hannah sent me the following link to see Ahley Thayer's I can't help but think how cool the blocked one would look on the couch downstairs in the gallery. The one that the little grom is crawling all over!!! It's available for $390 on her site right could be yours!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Art House

Friday Night was a blast - Thanks for coming out! We'll post a proper recap including how much we raised in the next two days...the show's up until January 30th so you best come out and see it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Little Twist for Friday Night - Early entrance for 100 Bucks! It's all for charity!!!

OK Friends, It's all for Charity so we've introduced a little twist for Friday's event at the POPgallery! We have had an overwhelming response for Friday night's show entitled Shameless, Nameless & Recycled...In fact, there have been many request for previews, pre-sales or absentee purchases. We've decided that if any of this occurs, it is in direct conflict with the concept of the show. So in the interest of the integrity of the show, the democratic nature of the event and the overwhelmingly affordable pricing, we will not allow anyone to preview the artwork in advance under any circumstances. Remember, this is for Charity so we are playing by the rules!!! For those of you who want a head start, this is for you:

Early entrance for 100 Bucks!

The Gallery will open an hour early at 6pm for the entrance fee of 100 Bucks payable to the charity of your choice. There will be a queue at the door before 6pm which will be first come, first served. This 100 hundred dollar non-refundable entrance fee will be in effect until 7pm, so if you arrive at 6:45pm and want to come in you'll pay 100 Bucks. Absolutely everything will be available for purchase at 6pm. Nothing will have been pre-sold. This includes all of the studio staff and family in the studio. This early entrance fee is per person (not including children). In other words, if a couple enters the gallery, they will both pay 100 Bucks. If you don't want to pay, no worries, simply come at 7pm and I'm sure there will still be some amazing pieces left and the drinks will be free all night!

Absolutely no artist names will be disclosed!

We truly believe in the anonymous nature of this event and want everyone to have the opportunity to buy the work they love, not simply because of the artists who created them! Although, we are pretty keen on this amazing group and are forever in debt to each and everyone of them for contributing. It will be fun to try and figure out who did what, but under no circumstances will any members of the studio staff disclose the artists names. (In most cases, even the studio staff is not aware of the artists attached to each piece anyway!)

Look before you buy! If you pull the sticker off the shelf, it's yours!
Come into the gallery, grab a beer and browse the artwork - know what you want before you buy it. Each piece will have a small sticker below it, on the shelf. Once you decide that you want to purchase one of the pieces grab the numerical sticker for the piece and go see one of the studio staff members to purchase the work. If you want multiple pieces, feel free to grab multiple stickers, but look carefully before you buy, 'cause once you pull the sticker off, you bought the piece! Congratulations!

Checks will only be excepted! No Cash / No Credit!

Yes, that's right. You'll have to dust off your check book for this event. We are raising money for two great local charities this holiday season, the Downtown Women's Center and Children's Institute, inc. Absolutely every single dollar spent goes directly to the charity of your choice, so please bring your checkbooks and you can make your checks payable directly to the charity. Unfortunately, we will not accept cash or credit under any circumstances.

The Show remains up until January 30th!

We also want to avoid any confusion, but you will not be able to leave with your pieces Friday night. I'm sorry if this puts a damper on Holiday gift giving, but with the advancements of digital technology, we will happily email you an image of the piece for your reference during gift giving. The pieces will remain in the POPgallery until the end of the show on January 30th, 2010. We will coordinate with every buyer to make sure they get their pieces when the show comes down. We will either coordinate to have you pick them up here at the studio or we can have them shipped to you, but you will be responsible for shipping. January 30th will be here in no time, and during the next six weeks people will be able to enjoy the gallery who were not able to make the opening.

That's it folks! We are really looking forward to this event and hope that you'll all kindly understand why we laid out the guidelines above. Let's be honest, all of this adds an extra element of fun and gives us the opportunity to raise a few extra dollars for those who are less fortunate than us this Holiday season.

So there you have it, it's an even playing field if you get here by 6pm. Please pass on this email and the invite below to your art loving friends and we look forward to seeing all of you Friday night!


Not sure if I can make it, but this loop was just too fun not to post...cheers Marshall Bros.

Monday, December 7, 2009

This Friday Night...

Dear Friends - I am very excited to invite you to our second show at the POPgallery this coming Friday, December 11th from 7-9pm. The show is called Shameless, Nameless & Recycled and it's a special event as we are raising money for two great local charities this holiday season, the Downtown Women's Center and Children's Institute, inc. Absolutely every single dollar spent goes directly to the charity of your choice, so please bring your checkbooks and you can make your checks payable directly to the charity. Unfortunately, we will not accept cash or credit.

Personally, I reached out to some of the artists who have inspired me the most over the last few years (in some cases, a lifetime) and I'm very honored to say that all of them have contributed to this amazing show. The studio staff have done the same, so the roster of contributors represents a global collection of creatives across a wide spectrum of subjects. The pieces represent every medium you can imagine, and they are all great in their own right....and as a body of work this show will be incredibly inspiring!!! The details will be laid out clearly below, but it's important to note that the artists have all donated their work, which enables us to sell every piece for 100 bucks. Yes, this is an incredible value considering how accomplished these talented artists are. It's a great opportunity to collect something with an air of intrigue - each piece will be shown Nameless and shall remain Nameless even in the catalogue that will be available to order at the show and online. The catalogue will come with an anonymous quote from each artist about their work.

As is always the case with our events, this event will be very low on production. We'll have some serve-yourself wine and beer, and the invites are very friendly - just emails and word of mouth, so please help us spread the love by forwarding this email or letting your friends know about the event! Lovely DJ Nico will be gracing us with her turntable skills once again and will be accompanied by Holy D. Drummond later in the evening.

I wanted to also take this opportunity to personally thank every artist for their generosity and support. You were hardly given a month to prepare and all of your follow-through has been incredible! From all of us at the POP Studio and Gallery, we really appreciate your participation this year and hope that this is only the beginning of great collaborations to come! I'm certain I speak for the charities as well.

So yeah, we're really excited! This should be a great night and a concept that is very creative and inspiring for everyone involved - the artists, the viewers and the charities.

See you Friday,
Juan Mas

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Morning Gospel

Thanks to little Scout in NY for this early Sunday morning submit...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Erika Somogyi

When I was speaking with Matt Sohl about NY artists he would nominate for Shameless, Nameless & Recycled he told me to check out Erika Somogyi. Anyway, I did, and instantly I was drawn to her work and now we are honored to have her contributing to next weeks show for Charity. Crazy thing is that I was just on her site ( and this last image above was heavily referenced for a project I have been working on, and I had no idea it was Erika's. I love how these strange occurrences happen everyday more and more. It's not that the world is so small, it's that awesomeness always finds awesomeness. Matt is awesome, so of course, he would open up our eyes to new awesomeness. Anyway, Go to her site and check out her sculptures too...awesomeness! Thanks Matt!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Wegener Surfboards: Alaia

Found this sweet clip by way of Jamie Brisick's brilliant NY Times piece entitled Ancient Surfboard Style Is Finding New Devotees. Oooohhhh, Captivating Title Jamie...xo

Sumatra Earthquake Benefit

The Following letter is from Jon Rose, the founder of Waves 4 Water...

I'm writing to remind you about our benefit concert we're putting on to help the Sumatra Earthquake victims.

As most of you probably know this is a cause that is very close to my heart... I was in Padang when the earthquake hit and fortunately had ten water filters on me. I was able to see first hand, the effects that these devices can have on a region. When I left, the local red cross workers said to me - "when can we get more filters?"

That said, I have since dedicated myself to this cause and have been trying to raise money to get more filters over there.

There is a few ways you can help but let me just put it into perspective - $25 = 1 filter. One filter can provide clean water for an entire family for up to 2 years. It's a small price for a big solution.

If you are interested in supporting this, I encourage you to come out this Sunday to our fundraiser. It will be a fun filled evening with great performances by Peter Distefano, Humanlab, and a special acoustic set by my good friend, Timmy Curran. All the event details are in the attached flyer...

Lastly, you can help just by spreading the word. Awareness is incredibly powerful and I thank you in advance for your support.

Cheers and hope to see you this weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shameless, Nameless & Recycled

Shameless, Nameless & Recycled
Holiday Charity Exhibition
December 11th – January 30th
Opening Reception: Friday, December 11, 2009, 7-9pm.

POPgallery is pleased to present its Holiday Charity Exhibition, Shameless, Nameless & Recycled, a multi-media group show featuring the works of one hundred international artists, designers and craftsmen & craftswomen. All the works have been donated and one hundred percent of the proceeds go directly to charity. Allow us to explain the theme of the show…

Shameless = anything goes…content and medium included! Shamelessly inexpensive too! Everything is 100 bucks!

Nameless = we showcase all of the artwork anonymously. Artists’ names will appear alphabetically on the show card and catalog, but the work itself shall remain unsigned… nameless… anonymous! This plays into the charitable spirit and adds a bit of intrigue!

Recycled = the idea is that the artists can recycle their previous work or recycle their past ideas, or even recycle something that has inspired them. The only parameter is that each piece is no larger than 12” x 12” square. Paintings, woodwork, books, zines, sculptures, music, photography, illustration and other mediums will all be shown and heard.

Participating artists include:

Joshua Adams, Doug Aitken, Roman Alonso, Rachel Ashwell, Marc Atlan, Amy Balkin, Hershel Baltrotsky, Kevin Beasley, Gary Benzel, Emily Berger, Daniel Bernauer, Louise Bonnet, Jef Bourgeau, Davin Brainard, Jamie Brisick, Steven Brown, Deanne Cheuk, Tofer Chin, Sarah Christoph, Destin Clover, Denise Gonzales Crisp, Jérôme Curchod, Jeremy Deputat, Julia Dittberner, Nick Egan, Stephen Eichorn, Jessica Erickson, Kevin Ewing, Kyle Field, J. Bennett Fitts, Jane Weatherford Fitts, Frohawk Two-Feathers, Ali Gallagher, Christopher Glancy, Ethan Greenbaum, Chris Griffith, Mary Addison Hackett, Jim Harrington, Steve Harrington , Alexis Hartman, Ethan Hill, Ryan Hitzel, Yuka Hollingsworth, Andrea Hornick, Steven Johanknecht, Katsuo Design, Benjamin Klevay, Rick Klotz , Justin Krietemeyer, Scooter LaForge, Amanda Lawrence, Jenny Lé, Calvin Lee, Atherton Lin, Staci MacKenzie, Jeffrey Mathews, Geoff Mcfetridge, Campbell Milligan, Becca Moon, Juan Mas, Monica Morant, Maria Moyer, Andrew Neuhues, Ace Norton, Mike Pare, Dane Peterson, Sally Peterson, Mike Piscitelli, David Rager, Jon Rose, Danuta Rothschild, Sharon Ryba , Brooks Salzwedel, Chris Samuels, Mark Sangbusch, Kristofferson SanPablo, Michael Seiler, Zen Sekizawa, Pam Shamshiri, Adam Silverman, Topher Sinkinson, Anabel Sinn, Ryan Jacob Smith, Verity Smith, Cara Snyder, Matt Sohl, Erika Somogyi, Misato Suzuki, Marilee Sweeney, Comora Tolliver, Tryharder, Maggie Ward, Rory Wilson, David Wisseberg, Ade Wood, Florencio Zavala

The Show Catalogue
A limited edition show catalogue with each nameless contribution will be available for order to continue to raise money for these charities in the months to come. Within the catalogue, an anonymous quote by each artist about his or her submission will accompany each work. The catalogue will be available to order at the show opening on December 11th or by contacting

About the charities:

We are aligning with two local charities: The Downtown Women’s Center and The Children’s Institute. Each buyer will be able to choose to which of these charities they would like their money to go.

Downtown Women’s Center (
The mission of the Downtown Women’s Center is to provide permanent supportive housing and a safe and healthy community fostering dignity, respect, and personal stability, and to advocate ending homelessness for women.

The Children’s Institute (
When children are traumatized by violence, their chances of growing up to lead healthy, productive lives are threatened. They are more likely to fail in school, enter the criminal justice system, and repeat the cycle. With intervention, though, the harmful effects of violence can be mitigated and the cycle broken. CII provides healing so traumatized children can recover and lead healthy lives, while working to shape the field of children’s services through innovative research, demonstration projects, and professionally accredited training programs.

Payment shall be made by check only. No cash or credit cards accepted. Checks will be made out directly to: Downtown Women’s Center or The Children’s Institute, Inc.

Shameless, Nameless & Recycled will be on view at POPgallery (3505 Helms, Culver City, CA 90232) from December 11, 2009 through January 30, 2009. Gallery hours by appointment, please feel free to contact us Monday through Friday, 11am to 5pm.

about POPgallery:
We love art. We love imaginative thinking, organic experimentation, collaborative environments and the incubation of new ideas. Art inspires everything we do, and inspiration is a vital element of our daily needs. POPgallery provides an environment dedicated to artists, both emerging and established, whose work we are honored to present. Artists in all mediums are invited to show here, and our space functions as a vessel for the artist’s vision. One hundred percent of the profits from the space go directly back to the artists.

For further information please contact Ann Gordon at tel. + 1 310 558 2080 or via email at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

(Ed-Werd Rew-Shay)

from Sims Reed rare books -

Monday, November 30, 2009

Retail Therapy

OK, so I am a week late on this one, but the weekend before Thanksgiving, we checked out the Community Shop at Commune and the Shrimp Shop at South Willard. Retail is only interesting these days when you can flip the rules...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dane Reynolds Marine Layer

been watching it for a few weeks, but it's official...
Marine Layer is now my favorite!
Hands down. or click on Marine Layer to your right...

A Nice Thought going into the Holiday

THE RECESSION IS OVER...not sure if it's true, but accordingly to this correspondence (sent from a reliable source), the recession is over...let's just think very positively and circulate this idea regardless of market trends, so people start shopping!!! if we have a good holiday, it could kick things into gear for 2010! Come on people...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You Work for Them

check out

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Three Way Nature Tuesday

my shwood zebrawood sunnies came to me in this beautiful die-cut box yesterday...hand made in portland, oregon...check 'em out at
Yusuke's work is up for another week in the POP gallery - come have one last look and maybe pick up a piece for yourself...
and this little green grasshopper greeted Lennon and I on our way out the door to school this morning...perched cozily (is that a word?) on the front slider...I sort of dig his green exterior and the way it works into the color theory post below...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Unknown Hipster

check it...

Friday, November 20, 2009

NY never lets me down...

latest "amazings"...sandwich at the smile, the ace grows on you quickly (thanks roman & ryan), saturday's nyc, macau's golden shower fireworks (thanks cory & Dagny), fishing stories from brooklyn, helen & jack are bff's, and prof is killing it...oh yeah, and spending way too much time playing with camera bag app on my iphone...