Monday, June 30, 2008

No breakin' the law in this family...

Hands free LA! Tonight at midnight, you can no longer drive all over town holding your cell phone to your ear talking to your agent whilst you make bad decisions on the road and upset everyone around you. If you still want to drive people nuts and look like your talking to yourself, you need an ear piece...Lennon's ready, are you?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chilled out...

Summer is in full effect now!

Nicaragua Day Dreams

Frizzelle sent this text from his buddy that shot this pic last week..."One of the best surf trips I've been on. The waves were non stop. Howling off shore winds every day, all day. This is PONGA DROPS. The line up was like 120 yards out to sea. Big,loooooooong paddle. But once you're out there, it's all good.

M Cafe is so good... makes you dance in the park!!!

Henri Matisse

this was on Jimmy's wall. Love the print, especially the colors...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sunny waves, Hot Rays, Fin sprays, For Days...

Oblivious to the perfect set behind them...
The carnival ride was actually a good time today - Saturday & All.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Loose Lips might Sink Ships...

...but a rumor starts a riot. Nice work Hayley & Lucas. Hugely inspired.
Go to keep calm gallery now...

We used to call it "Table Tops"...

...the new crew calls it "Heavens", but the link to the past is that Malibu can have it's normal zoo in the water and there will never be more than 10 heads at Tables. I surfed my brains out for the first time in a long time...I even double seshed it at the Malibu conveyor belt and actually got a couple bombs!

Meanwhile, across town - a "peaceful" JDL protest on Rick, turned ugly in the best way. Always a good time with Freshjive...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Herb Lubalin

Absolutely...hands down...awe inspiring...greatest ever.
Today had every reason to be bad, trust me...but it ended up being extremely inspiring!
someone give me my book back!

he's in the beard club, of course.

Rick Turned me ON!

rick turned me onto Seymour Chwast and I thought I was just researching amazing illustrations - I had no idea I was discovering a new typography hero. (Since someone stole my Herb Lubalin know who you are. Karma's a...)

Prof or Hersh once referrenced this for a Modern graphic. Can't tell exactly who did it...I guess I need to get the book!

Milton Glaser, Seymour Chwast

Economist cover. Sort of fitting as I have been on the search for money lately...

Flawless Right Shells All Morning...

epic dawn patrol...backside perfection!

Flower Power

Grandpa Wes

my family failed to mention he was an accomplished architect. Apparently these were sketches from his studies. Pencil & Paper

Sexy Speedway

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brett's Elephant is showing off...

Celts won...I told you!

Lennon was going for it on Father's Day...Inverted and checking out the surf at the Breakwater!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

What Happened to the Lakers?

Brett and the talking G-Land Bulls are claiming Celts...

All Benjies on Boston at this point.

Tinker Bell Kisses & Ferris Wheels...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Two Friends, Two Perfect Lefts

Brett's version of Grajagan...

...and Fuzz' view of Pacallas. Both in the last few days. And I am stuck surfing Malibu with 2000 fools.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Last Day of Ballet

last day of ballet parents play

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Original Peace Sign

baby hippie

First Day of School

The Very first day happened to be the Halloween party, so naturally Lennon went as a lady bug, Hannah wore Chanel.

I think this was a few days later???

Lennon Attacks, Part One

good attack...pure bliss!

sketchy delirious dinner

check out her reaction to her picture!

bath attack...look out!

Too Cool Stretch Eurovan

Not sure what this was for, but check out Fuzzy the label whore. He actually drew Tsubi on his jeans so his O.C. buddies would recognize....

El Capitan

this is one of my all-time favorite pictures of my girls!!! in fact, it could be THE ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!

Peace Sign #79

many more to come.

Georgia O'Leaf