Sunday, November 6, 2011

I watched Kelly win his 11th world title twice...

Yes, mistakenly crowned on Wednesday due to a miscalculation of total heats won after tie-breakers. And then in classic surf fashion, the tour committee said "we messed up" and took full responsibility. Duh! What a bunch of idiots. Same as sayin' just kidding after handing you the after accepting the mistake, they did a "do-over,"awarding Kelly his 11th world title today. A feat only matched by my other sporting hero, Coach John Wooden who won 10 national championships with UCLA, and one as a player at Purdue. But they got all those championships right the first time - UCLA did not have to play twice to beat Kentucky in 1975. Simple math, and now we have computers, but we still pulled the stereotypical surfer move and got it wrong on the world's stage. Still doesn't overshadow the super-human / supernatural accomplishments of Kelly at 40 years of age, as I sit here typing with my bad back. I feel like it was just yesterday I popped Kelly Slater in Black & White into the VHS player, but that was actually 20 years ago. Good show Kelly. Thank you.

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