Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Juice. Local Juice...and then we plugged into a new source...

I don't get out of the studio much, especially in my own backyard, but New High Mart in Los Feliz was a trip worth taking. In fact, along with my other new favorite spot, Feal Mor on La Brea, these are two great reasons to head east a little more often. It's cool that the retail creativity in La La Land is flowing during these slimmer times... there's a few other spots on planet earth that would round out my top five, six or seven places to drop my Am Ex when the magnetic strip works (in no particular order)...

-General Store, SF
-Tortoise, Venice
-New High Mart, Los Feliz
-Feal Mor, Los Angeles
And on a slightly more grandiose scale
-Merci, Paris
And a smaller bonus mention would be
-RTH, Los Angeles
Finally, for perfectly edited and dry-cleaned vintage presention in a flawless spectrum of chromatic brilliance
-Thanx God I'm a V.I.P, Paris

This is sort of a ridiculous post. I'm basically a fashion blogger now, and I'll get you a digital map for your shopping exploits shortly along with gourmet coffee outposts and easy bathroom stops along the way...yeah right.

Here's some medicine from Feal Mor on La Brea...
And catch some vintage goods mixed with new craft at General Store in SF (above), but I already snatched up that Gothic falconry flag in this pic so you can't have that. And you can read a little more about the POP collaboration with Serena and QSW here.

So as you can read...I'm feelin' pretty good about the home town (even though I had to hear about New High Mart from my most-plugged-in mate, Brian Awitan, currently residing in Deleware)! And a honorable mention to the entire village of have always inspired me, but I've been way overdue for a visit! And we'll leave you with a sweet little pic of Fuzzy checking out RTH a few weeks ago...GET OUT IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD!

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